The Professional Flourish Group

The PFG is for Professional Leaders seeking expansion. Group members are connected with their peer group and experience neuro-based prompts, transformative inner world breakthroughs and are guided towards tangible results within their professional and creative pursuits.


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When your clarity meets your conviction, and you apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.

- Lisa Nichols -


Repair. Perform. Profit.

The Flourish Method utilizes the Performance Pyramid to create customized coaching experiences for each client. This approach incorporates research-backed Inner World Development components and industry approved Performance principles to create state-of-art transformative experiences for clients and organizations.

Experience the Professional Flourish Group

Professional Flourish Groups tap into the three greatest powerhouses of personal and professional growth; Creative Expression, Interpersonal Connection and Inner World Development. The Flourish process is designed to give you both a personal and collective experience that actually rewires and updates your internal connections, allowing more room, different perspectives and creative solutions to emerge. The PFG leverages the inherent gifts and tendencies of creative professionals and combines them with our unique process to work through blocks or barriers in their progress, personal lives or profits. Below are some of the specific avenues we use and explore to bring about the professional flourish experience.

Performance: Consistent, high level performance exists in all of us. Our groups foster the right habits, tools and mindset to shift our participants from plateaus, creative blocks and burnout to flow and breakthrough.

Leverage Your Genius: Our work transforms when we understand where our zone of genius exists and how to leverage what we were meant to do in our daily lives. Find out how to be more you. HP Groups emphasize how to do more of what you were meant to do while reaching your goals, making a profit and improving the world around you. .

Power of Clarity : Understanding the problem is half the solution. PFGs focus on the building blocks of Clarity, including refining and re-defining your purpose, personal narratives and central beliefs around who you are and what is possible.

Flourish Thought Process: It all starts with our mindset. Through weekly group coaching, customized prompts, professionally-designed homework, and the art of group processing, our participants' "Flourish Thought Process" is catapulted, supported and reinforced through whole brain activities. This thought process will help sustain the progress and breakthroughs achieved in group well after the group has ended.

Inner World Development: There is no greater technology, tool or power source then your own brain, heart and body connection. HP Groups focus on how to navigate and develop your inner world to live a life of radical responsibility, empowerment and to harness the ability to achieve whatever your mind can conceive.

Supportive Community: Interpersonal effectiveness is key to any business, creative or personal goal. HP Groups focus on developing, practicing and achieving powerful skills for navigating relationships with self, others and the world. Receive support, accountability and a safe space to interact with real human beings on a similar path as you.

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“The real function of art is to change mental patterns… making new thoughts possible.”

- Jean Dubuffet-

What to Expect: the Professional Flourish Experience

Our Professional Flourish Group is a private, intimate online group setting that includes weekly prompts, professionally-led processing and customized homework and feedback. Each group has a max of six members. per group and runs for a total of two hours a week for eight consecutive weeks. This is a unique, safe space to learn, process, and engage with like-minded individuals while receiving professional Business, Mental Health and Performance feedback.

Group Processing 

Each week will begin with a 'Prompt' designed to bring about the Flourish experience. Each member will have a chance to process the prompt. All discussions are structured for maximum benefit to the members. Specialized modalities are applied throughout the group experience and are facilitated by a highly trained professional.

Performance Focus 

Prompts, discussions, and feedback are all designed with a High Performance Focus. Each member is taught a simple but effective processing format that helps solidify foundational performance thought patterns, habits and skill-building. As this process builds within the group, transformative experiences emerge.

Profitable Results  

Our hard work is always grounded in tangible results! We establish your personal and group goals beforehand and use them as our guides, reference point and evaluation point for the Flourish Experience.

Developing Balanced Energy

Our Group Process actively develops Feminine Energetic Principles. Our HP Groups value the Masculine and Feminine equally, and strive to educate our members on how to find the right balance for them, as these two are work miracles when integrated appropriately. Usually, the Feminine is less understood and practiced so we always start there!

Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts is our 'secret sauce'. These are whole-brain, heart-brain, and mind-body activation prompts. This is the fastest working, most effective tool for individual and group work we've yet to find thanks to the way our brain engages these unique prompts. No prior experience necessary!

Inner World Development  

We want our members to understand and experience for themselves the incredible source of power, healing, performance and profit that lies in their own internal world. We don't try to train you to become something else, we aim to remind you of who you already are; a capable and extraordinary being. This begins and ends with Inner World Development and Expansion.

It's a lack of Clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.

- Steve Maraboli -

About Us

Flourish Revolution was developed by Jesska Layne, who also launched it's sister program, Funds to Flourish in 2019 (a high-performance start up academy for female leaders looking to raise funds for their business), Since then, the need for Group Support has sky rocketed, and Flourish Revolution has answered this call by launching new series and opportunities for individuals to receive the Emotional, Mental, Business and Financial Coaching they need to Flourish.

Jesska Layne Herfst, Founder of Flourish is our Lead Group Facilitator with a Bachelors in Marketing, a Master's in Professional Counseling and a triple specialization in Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Art Therapy. She's spent the last three years consulting with small businesses to raise funds, increase profits and achieve community impact.

Reviews from Our Community 

“ Through the Flourish Group, I received the clarity I was looking for regarding my future, giving me  the motivation I needed to make a plan for my second career. It is a life changing process. It is simple and powerful and I have NO doubts that if you try her sessions you will not be the same after it is over. It's the very essence of  what it means to be empowered. As an added bonus, I made several lasting, incredible connections with the other women who were attending the sessions. I highly recommend any of her groups."

- Mimi (San Tan Valley, AZ)

“This (clarity) group was by far the most transformative group I’ve ever been a part of. As a business coach, I’ve been in numerous groups, this one exceeded every expectation I could have possibly had. The prompts were thought provoking and yet simple enough that my non-artistic side didn’t get scared off. The collaborative processing that followed that art was truly an experience I won’t forget. Jesska seamlessly walks you through transformative angles to help you pull the clarity needed from it. Run to this group, don’t walk, thank me later.”

- Dee (Deerfield, FL)

“Out of all my years of therapy, Jesska stands out as a gifted professional with a truly unique process that I believe would benefit anyone brave enough to go through their own process. I don't think I could have or would have come to my personal and professional breakthroughs in a faster or more empowering way. The group was the epitome of self care and worth the investment in every way, it's still paying off positively in my life.”

- Jenee (San Tan Valley, AZ)

"I've sat in on several group experiences with Jesska and they are unlike any other experience I've had with other women. It's impressive to watch her work and to see how lives are changed through such simple but powerful processes"

- Kristie (Phx, AZ)

"Jesska led me on a journey of self discovery prodding gently into the past helping me recognize where I am and where I'd like to go in the future. Her professional and personable guidance challenged me and stretched me to my limits but always in a way I felt safe and supported. I highly recommend her.

- Jackie (Ontario, CA)

"Wow, this was an incredible experience. I had never participated in a Group before and I was apprehensive. It was such a unique and refreshing experience, I would recommend it to everyone.  Jesska's expertise will bring clarity not only to your professional life, but all other areas as well. Her unique approach is eye opening and exciting.  Come with an  open heart and an open mind. You will not be disappointed. "

- Nikki (Phx, AZ)

He who is not busy being born, is busy dying"

- Bob Dylan -

Sign Up Today!

Book your spot in the next Professional Flourish Group and Grow your Business today!