Coaching & Consulting

"Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen." 


Your company is in good hands.

Find relief, growth and tangible results with transformative Coaching and Consulting.



Our coaches are highly trained and have worked with niche populations, businesses and groups for over 10 years.



We stand apart from the crowd with our depth of services, our commitment to growth and our ability to go above and beyond for our clients.



Every coaching relationship is customized. We cater to the unique specifications of each client, team and profit point.

About Us

Our coaching process utilizes the Flourish Model and is geared towards just that- to help you and your team flourish. This approach focuses on systemic, sustainable change that creates alignment between the personal and the organizational performance. Our goal is to not only bring about peak performance in our clients but to provide a clear framework for them to replicate these results over and over again.

We are passionate about working with niche populations, unique projects and special issues. Our clients come to us for customized training, personalized coaching and specialized tools for flourishing in their professional world. Our high-touch coaching solutions allow our clients to feel completely supported by neutral and safe third party professionals. Clients go through a pre-screening phase to ensure a good fit with our services as well as to ensure a successful fit between clients and coaches. Post confirmation, we provide tailored strategies and customized coaching designed to bring each client and team to their desired Profit Point of transformation. Meet our top coaches below.

Flourish Executive Coaching

Jesska Layne Herfst

Coach and Facilitator, MAPC

Jesska has been working with leaders and organizations to improve performance, resolve complex conflicts and achieve unique profit points for over ten years. With a background in Marketing, Clinical Psychology and training in the Neurobiology of Performance, Jesska specializes in facilitating customized experiences for executives and their teams. Using the Flourish Model, she incorporates skill training, performance coaching and Inner World Development principles to support executives through transformations that impact their entire organization.

Justin Hugh Herfst

Ambassador and Consultant

Justin is an ambassador and curator for special projects. He serves as a liaison and private consultant for clients in non corporate settings such as the creative arts industries, the non profit sector and international projects. Justin utilizes his diverse background and strong communication skills to ensure that the most unique individuals and operations have the leadership and resources necessary for their visions to Flourish. Justin brings a fresh perspective to leadership and specializes in media and communication.

Dee Keller

Executive Coach

Founder of Quipped Consulting, Dee is a Coach and Consultant specializing in Business Behavior and special populations. With her roots and training in the financial district in NYC, Dee quickly climbed the corporate ladder through her ability to understand and implement complex systems and structures in existing businesses. She has keen eye for spotting correlations between financial and behavioral patterns and works with executives to bring about their profit point through confident, calculated decision making processes.  

"The Flourish Method is simple and powerful and I have NO doubts that if you try her sessions you will not be the same after it is over. It's the very essence of  what it means to be empowered."

- Melody H.

"Jesska's expertise will bring clarity not only to your professional life, but all other areas as well. Her unique approach is eye opening and exciting.  Come with an  open heart and an open mind. You will not be disappointed. "

- Nikki R.

"It's easy to underestimate the power of this process because in some ways it's so simple. The experience is shocking, so different, and wonderfully worth it."

- Jessica R.

"The coach is only concerned with the CEO’s wild success as the leader of the company."


Coaching is a great tool that can do incredible things. Like any tool, it has to be properly understood and utilized to get the ideal results. If you're considering coaching for the first time, check out some of the questions many clients at the beginning below to help gain a broader understanding and check out our blog for more in-depth questions.

Harvard Business Review

Check out some of the top questions about executive coaching from the HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW below.


Why is getting coaching from outside the company important?

Blind spots are less obvious when things are going well. It is very easy for executives to become almost strictly inward looking, especially when they have been very successful. But these blind spots can become devastating when performance moves in the other direction. A good, neutral third party assessment is a clear reality check for executives.

Additionally, every single person inside the company has an agenda of some sort. This makes the coaching environment a rare and safe place to think through various topics against the framework of what is in the CEO’s best interest. The coach is only concerned with the CEO’s wild success as the leader of the company.

In the survey above, CEOs say the area they most want to develop is in conflict resolution. Why?

Conflict management is critical in the CEO role — just about anything that gets to the CEO’s desk has an element of pleasing someone and making someone else unhappy. When the CEO avoids conflict, it can shut down the whole organization: decisions are not made and problems fester, creating a domino effect of unproductive behaviors down the ladder. A CEO who can manage and channel conflict in a constructive way can get to the root of issues, apply rigor to the team’s thinking, and, ultimately drive the best outcomes. So cultivating this skill can be a powerful tool to help the entire organization.

Is there a relationship between coaching and getting to the top?

In general, where there is a relationship between coaching and getting to the top is when an executive believes in continuous learning and development. The saying “It’s what you learn after you know it all” resonates here. These kinds of chief executives seek out a number of different coaches/advisors who help frame topics for them and play a point of challenge and reflection. CEOs who do this are also triangulating information, and their set of coaches/advisors help frame, challenge, and assimilate all of the information/data.

What's the ROI on coaching for executives and teams?

In one study conducted by MetrixGlobal LLC, companies received an average return of $7.90 for every $1 invested in executive coaching. A recent study of Executive Coaching in a Fortune 500 firm by MetrixGlobal reported a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. Another survey by Manchester Inc. of 100 executives found that coaching provided an average return on investment of almost six times the cost of the coaching. As a general rule, coaching has a high return on investment. Each coaching relationship is unique and executives that commit to the process can expect great improvement in their lives, companies and trajectory.

Have more questions about the Executive Coaching relationship? Download our breakdown of the top Benefits and ROI of Coaching below

REPORT: Benefits and ROI of Executive Coaching