The Creator's Group is for the Professional, the Creative and the Individual who is committed to creating profitable, impactful work that aligns with their purpose. It is for those who already know that inner work precedes the outer results.

This is an intensive group experience for those in pursuit of breakthrough, rapid transformation and tangible expansion of their art, message and craft in the world.

Are you ready to make your mark?


Our goal is to build intimate communities of artists and to facilitate the intelligent gatherings of minds for the purpose of creating deep healing, creative expansion and wild success for our Creators. Our approach stimulates unconventional growth while nurturing the healing, the highest performance and the clear profit of our Creator's in the world.

The Creator's Group is designed with a three-fold purpose:

- To connect Creators with like-minded peers

- to support and expand their source of creativity; the Inner World

- and to nurture the expression of their gifts in the Outer World




Our Group work focuses on healing (repairs) barriers, developing personal strengths (performance) and utilizing inner world development to achieve outer world results (profits). A Creator's Group Experience can change your life, your career and your impact on the world.

Creator's Group: What to Expect

Every group is unique. The Creator's Group is curated with each member in mind. Our high levels of customization allow us to get the best results. While one size does not fit all in our perspective, there are components that we apply consistently that produce incredible outcomes.

Below are three of the top elements that make our groups stand apart, including what you can expect from the group experience. If you're interested in learning more, click on the buttons for continued information.

Power of Groups

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change"- Brene Brown.

Groups supercharge vulnerability. This component, when expertly facilitated. heightens creativity, original ideas and massive transformations. Creators can expect to walk away with these key changes and experiences:

  • Strong Peer Connections
  • Growing Network
  • Breakthrough in your creative + professional direction
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased clarity in Personal and Professional Identity

To learn more about what's included in groups, click the link below.


Specialized Facilitation

We lead from experience, education and passion.

Our facilitator for the Creator's group is highly trained and specializes in both the Creator population and the model used for coaching and facilitation of groups. Through her expert guidance you can expect:

  • A deep sense of safety and support
  • Personalized feedback and challenges
  • Rapid and unexpected areas of transformation
  • Discovery of opportunities + new perspectives

To learn more about our facilitators, click the link below.

Inner World Development

Without proper inner work, we simply try harder to fix all the problems with the same thoughts and beliefs we used to create them.

All groups are based on the importance of inner world expansion. Through using the creative continuum to actively expand the inner world, many group participants undergo:

  • Healing experiences that usher in new outcomes
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Increase in Performance, Leadership & Giftedness
  • Clarity in Message, Craft and Business Development

To learn more about our IWD, click the link below.


"Those who tell the new stories, shape the future"


Groups are designed specifically for each batch of participants and typically range from 2-4 months in duration.


The Creator's Group will include art-based prompts designed by the facilitator that members will complete and process together.


The Prompts and Process for the Creator's Group will span the entire Creative Continuum. This journey is intense and wildly rewarding.


The Prompts will conclude in a final project. Final Projects are client-specific, industry related and are often used to spur the Creator's next endeavor.


If creativity is a spark, then small groups are the gasoline. These gatherings produce more growth and breakthroughs than any other work we've seen offered.


There is no expansion in consciousness without addressing pain. Groups can often unearth areas of the inner world that need repairs. We don't shy away from this work.


As we progress through repairs, we naturally press into areas of performance and genius in our clients. Groups are designed to bring about a deeper uncovering of these gifts.


We begin with the end in mind by setting goals at the start of group. Profit represents tangible goals that we can see and measure. The Outer World reflects the Inner, and thus we tend to see radical profit points emerge as group ends.

Jesska, the Facilitator.

Jesska Layne Herfst, MAPC is our Lead Group Facilitator. She's obtained a Bachelors in Marketing, a Master's in Professional Counseling and a triple specialization in Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Art Therapy. Since then she's been trained and certified in multiple best practices including CBT, DBT, ACT, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness. She is also trained to work with special populations including front-line workers, pastoral staff, complex trauma and the LGBTQ community. She's been a professional group facilitator for over ten years and has designed meaningful gatherings for companies, churches, charities, private gatherings, clinical support groups and professional trainings. Her unique method combines neurobiology, psychology and the art + science of high performance. Group work is a true passion for Jesska and she has a knack for facilitating powerful transformations that last a lifetime.

Flourish Executive Coaching


Contact us below if you think you might be a good fit for the Creator's Group.